A treak through the Desert in search of the Tribe of Rehsed.


Tla’Hob seeing the tension steps forward and said “We came seeking slavers that were rumored to be in these parts. We each have our own reasons however they are not the point right now.”


Khered shook his head, source of knowledge? The spear? These Olgogs certainly put their faith in odd things. Still, considering the name of the tribe, and the spear itself this might be a problem if it came from where he thought it came from. Leaning close to Rogarth and whispering “So, is this what I was suppose to see? That spear is a corrupt influence on these people and should be destroyed. If this is truly what is left over from Desher then I would be happy to consume it in flame, too much of a risk that he one day returns, maybe returning to Warmonger.”


At that moment the flap to the tent opened and in walked Moli Nial so upset he began speaking before he realized there were others in the room, “Dolmag Rehsedian, i told you i would heal your tribe of Dyrishas mind spikes only if you were ready to march. My sister has outmaneuvered us. They have mind spiked the great Auf Tor monster.
If we dont act now Dyrisha will beat us to Jamesville, Do you need another treatment before we go?”

Then he shut up noticing the new visitors and glanced at TlaHob of Orlur as if he could remember him but not from where.


Tla’Hob looked at the new arrival.Something about this gog called to something in him, yet he found it hard to place. “Tell my young one have you ever been to Tla’loc’al?”


Yohai took a moment to survey the scene before answering. “I am not here to claim this territory, for the Akalus or anyone else. And I most certainly do not wish to control you. I come seeking you and your knowledge.” He then looked to Moli Nial, “And strangely enough, I come seeking you as well.” He looked at Tla’Hob from the corner of his eye. It would be strange if he had encountered Moli before, unless it had something to do with what Captain Otain was referring to previously.


Moli Nial looks around at the impressive and dangerous looking beings who had come with the Akalus Haku Yohai. He wondered if he could run for it, and shifted his eyes into Leyas sight. Then he took another glance at Khered’s wings and knew he wouldn’t make it far enough fast enough. He didn’t recognize the cambion as Rogarth, but the big muscled blue demi-giant was imposing enough as a heavy.

Moli sighed and pulled out a small ravenous kolgul from his pocket. He seemed to have it trained and it reached up for some jerky that Moli held out in his other hand.

Moli said, "If you wish to know the truth, then you need to know we have little time. When I came the first time to the Rehsed tribes, I had been sent by my warchief and kin Dyrisha Nial. It was many many moons ago. Dyrisha had been keeping council with the Chieftain here. No disrespect intended Mag’Ol Dolmag, but you have been called Dyrisha’s wife back in the tents of the Mind Spikes.
She was trading slaves for weapons. Not all Uthvelor can call upon the forges of Fortress Akalus to make their weapons. The Raider tribes still require weapons and armor, and more importantly the iron and steel to make them. We give Olgog pups to the Rehsed to pay for these raw materials. The pups are too young to make effective slaves or soldiers, but

Mag’Ol DolMag grew angry and in the reflection the tight grip on his neck pulled him back, he said, “The Rehsed need more children to intermarry with our own children when they all come of age. Too many of the undiluted tribe will poison the families further down the line. We sought children who would have otherwise gone to Uthvelor slave camps. Not to increase them seeking to kidnap the children of other tribes.”

As he said so, Dolmag leaned forward clutching the back of his head, “Owww.”

“Dyrisha didn’t want you remembering this portion of the truth,” said Moli without emotion, “You needed to believe that she was providing you the offcasts for her plan to work. But the last parts of her plan never stuck did they.”

“What do you mean?” asked Dolmag.

“She long had invested in your mind memories to have you turn your entire tribe towards the Warmonger cult. Yet no matter how many hours she programmed you, it never took,” said Moli, “I’ve never seen any being on this dimension or on the distant shores be able to resist Dyrisha’s mind spike.”

“What do you mean?” asked Dolmag, “Are you saying this entire time, while you were delivering slaves and keeping up Witchqueen Dyrisha’s lies you knew and you never healed it?? What of our bargain?”

“Our bargain was to remove the work she had done to all tribals who served Dolmag of Rehsed,” said Moli, “I have watched you for years Dolmag, you have never served yourself even once.”

“I have grown soft with convenience of rule,” said Dolmag, “How then did I resist this powerful suggestion?”

“I know not,” said Moli, “But I am ready to face whatever punishment awaits me.
I say with honesty that the effects of the Mind spikes have been removed from all in this camp as I promised except two. One being you Lord Dolmag, I have not attempted to removed Dyrishas work. The other being the girl you call your daughter. For she is not so, she is a Tla’loc’alan taken by Slavers and purchased from those slavers by myself for your tribe. She does not remember her own father when he enters your tent, proof of the effectiveness of my profession.”

Dolmag snarled, once again pulled tight by the hand in the reflection, “What reason have I to believe you?”

“The Warmonger Cult army has begun to march and your army was to smash the enemies at Thomasville before they reached there. But due to my kindness and whatever power has possessed you, your army did not march. Now on Dyrisha’s last visit she programmed you to attack Jamesville in the ultimate flanking maneuver,” said Moli in a sphinx-like way, “Yet again your people do not demand to march, proving my end of the bargain. But I still cannot account for why you do not wish to march.”

“I do…wish…to march,” said Dolmag rising up, and as he did the hand in the reflection dragged him back down. Dolmag sat down again saying, “You are right this is all too confusing to act on abruptly. Investigation first, action once the facts have been collected.”

The assembled didn’t know if Dolmag was talking to them or to himself.



Looking to Moli Tla’Hob askes “Did you ever see a young female with green fur except a band on her left for arm that is a bright blue?” the anger in him causing flames to flicker in and out of existence all along his arms.


Moli walked over to the armored young female who had greeted the travelers when they arrived.

He pulled off her armored gauntlet and said, “A mark like this one?”

And there for all to see on the gog that Dolmag thought was his own daughter were the markings Tla’hob had described.

“Another of the slaves taken over the years,” said Moli, “She will not recognize you Tla’Hob, just as Dolmag’s memories were altered to have him think this his adopted daughter, she has been altered to think him her adopted father.”

Moli took no pleasure in this statement. Like the rest they were in a monotonous deadpan. Neither lilt of pleasure nor grate of anger entered his voice. Moli Nial said, “We do what we do when ordered by our chieftains.” as if that was enough to explain it.


“Your Chieftainess Dyrisha is a witchqueen and a manipulator. Moli,” said Mag’ol Dolmag with a snarl.


Tla’Hob rushed forward, and grabbed Moli by his throat. "For five winters I had to be haunted by the promises I had made and the last words we spoke . For five winters I have suffered pain beyond pain. And all you have to say is ‘my chieftain ordered me to’!!!"
As he yelled the last part a bright blue flame danced along his arms, as though his green fur was ablaze. The fire did not reach the hand that held Moli, but the other one held the brightest of the flames.


Moli took a deep breath settling his own conflicted emotion before it set off the Uthvelor curse.

“And i would do it again if ordered by my Chieftain,” Moli said, "But that doesnt mean i dont comprehend your pain.
I cant give you back the years but i can offer you revenge. Take my life if it will make you feel better.

It will give me some rest from the curse that always causes me suffering."

Dolmag the Rehsedian said,“And you would deserve it Moli. Your entire tribe would deserve it.
Tla Hob of Orlur i give you my permission to kill this criminal memory thief, if it will give you peace.”

Moli gave a thin lipped smile and said emotionlessly, “I wait for your decision. Just keep in mind that only i can get past Dyrishas honor guard and it was her orders that caused a part of your pain.”

–(Orlur must now decide if they grant death or final death to Moli Nial)–


Tla’Hob closed his eyes and thought. An eternity seemed to pace before he opened them again. The flames dispersed when he did and Moli fell to the floor.
“You will right the wrongs you and your tribes have done and only after will we talk about freeing you of your curse. You can start with the memories you have changed in this tribe.”


Tla’Hob turned to Ka’lal and Uf’ogmak “Stay and insure that he pay’s. I can not stay.” As he spoke the others could tell that he was fighting his emotions with each breath and each word.
“I will return to the tribe and send several warriors back.” The two apprentices stepped aside for the elder.
He climbed on the back of one horse, the reigns of the other two in his hands. Tla’Hob took off in a gallop. after about half an hour anyone in the camp that was not an immutable could feel a sudden surge of leyas. in the distance, in the same direction that Tla’Hob left in, a pillar of many different colors could be seen, all fighting for control in the sky. As rapidly as it was there it was gone.


Yohai took in the events with great interest. This was, indeed, a most interesting turn of events. Dolmag’s weapon controlled Dolmag’s mind… most interesting indeed. And fortuitous. No wonder Lord Azrael chose him for this mission.

Moli’s behavior, however, was even more interesting. A Mind Spike, betraying his kin. He had to understand why. What was Moli not saying?

Yohai began, “The blood of Reshedian line is stron…”

Yohai did not have a chance to finish his statement. The olgog known as Tla’Hab interjected, apparently not hearing Yohai speak, and demanded to know about a specific kin of his. Yohai had a feeling this conversation would not end well. When the olgog was given his answer, Tla’Hob acted more quickly than Yohai anticipated.

By the time he made a motion, Tla’Hob already had his hand on Moli’s throat. Yohai had to speak, “Tla’Hob!” The Uth warrior moved with alarming agility from where he stood to where Moli’s was being held. Again, the Olgog did not hear him. Moli’s answer, however, pacified the olgog enough, which is good and well enough, as Yohai wondered if he should take direct action against the olgog to release his grip. No, he gave the olgog a chance to come to his own conclusion. All that time talking with Sira did, indeed, rub off on him. Were he capable of simple emotion, Yohai would have laughed at the irony.

Once Tla’Hob let go of Moli, Tla’Hob disappeared before Yohai had a chance to pacify his anger a bit. It was unfortunately that the young olgog’s blind emotion overtook the sensibility of action. Emotion, Yohai thought bitterly, the one battle every fights… and eventually loses.

Yohai silently praised the brilliance of Moli’s plan as he explained himself. He needed to keep the ruse alive with Dyrisha, and the only way to do that was to keep them both Mind Spiked. If his daughter turned against Dolmag, everything would have turned to disaster. It was a tough decision, one that Yohai did not envy the Mind Spike for making. And it would likely cause the Mind Spike his life at some point, even though Tla’Hob at the current moment spared it. Would he, the powerful Akalus with all his strenth, skill, and allies, even be able to protect Moli if it came down to it? Yohai had no immediate answers.

Yohai turned to Moli, “The olgog does not understand the way of our people, or yet understands the gravity of the situation. You have risked much to get this far. I commend you, Moli, for your actions have proved to be the only thing that has prevented all out war among the olgog!” Yohai paused for a moment before continuing, “You were right, his anger is better saved for those who deserve it, for there are things at play that he, or any of us, do not yet understand. And so it must begin, Moli, you must explain what has been going on, why it came it pass, and most importantly, tell us why you chose to disobey your kin’s orders.”


(OOC to Yohai Horosha: I don’t know if you plan and type your post but you should look to my last two post to see what has happened. Great plot building though.)


Moli cleared his throat rubbing it gently, "When I grew up Akalus, the Mind Spikes were nomads. We wandered the red sands of the Nightmare Moors and dreamed of a fortress like the one you come from. I grew up hearing stories about the heroic Weaponmaster Uth of the tribe of Hecath. How the brave Uth of Hecath fought hand to hand over the body of his Falosini Lord. How he never faltered knowing this Falosini Lord would one day stand as the great Lord Azrael the Allknowing. Now i know its all Mak Hoblok dung.
He didnt know Lord Azrael was born for greatness, just as Azrael wasnt all knowing when he led our forefathers into the Border of Consciousness and into the stream beyond. They just did the stupid thing that felt right at the time and were flogged in the moment for their choices. But only the story people remembers really matters.

I wanted so badly to know Zaodonai Uth’s mind that i would kill my pet kolgul and bring it back with my converted lifeforce. Each time seeking his memories during those battles. It would get to the point that i would be near death weekly.

The kolgul is still around here somewhere.

I learned he was frightened and scared and just following orders in his way. I learned that he felt deep emotions like any sentient capable of them. And i know he turned against Lord Azrael years later and his hatred turned him into a monster for it.

We are all flawed Akalus, and we cannot be all Haku like you.
I may be a monster and flawed as any man. But i am no servant of Warmonger. That is the one thing i held on to.

I held on to it when Zaodonai Zar’cos came from the prison dimension to the Mind Spikes and turned our Warchiefs further from Lord Azrael.
And when Dyrisha decided the Olgogs would be her army to claim dominance."


Yohai nodded silently as the Mind Spike told his story. When he was done, he said to his fellow Uth, “Moli, you bring honor to your clan, and honor to the Uthvelor for your actions in defending the world against Warmonger.” Yohai paused, unsure of how to proceed without subjecting Moli to intense questioning reserved for war criminals. Furthermore, there were things he wished to say without betraying his true purpose to his travelling party.

Once again, using the art of Fallen Commander, a skill taught only to the Akalus that entails tapping into the Stream of Consciousness to speak to others without need for vocalization, he said to Moli, “I have been tasked to protect the natives against WarMonger. I have told my travelling party that I was seeking you, and it is fortuitous that I ran into when I did. However, my task is not yet done. Furthermore, I believe your work is not yet done either.”

Vocalizing, he started abruptly, “Moli, your work here is just must, unfortunately, be considered only the beginning. If you truly regret the results of your actions against the natives, then you must help us stop Dyrisha from fulfilling her desires. By preventing the Rehsedians from marching, you have already hampered her plans extensively. However, her plans must have been much deeper than a mere march to battle… what else can you tell us?”


“All this talking is great,” interrupted Rogarth, “But we should get moving while we talk if we plan on tracking down this Dyrisha.
Rehsed Mag’ol Dolmag your people have these fast chariots. Using these we can reach Dyrisha’s location quick enough right?”


Dolmag’s reflection showed the hand release and withdraw, and Dolmag rose up and said ,“I have long sat alone in this tent. It is time for me to ride with you. I will summon my best charioteers, and we will ride like the wind.”

Moli watched the king leave, "Yes i know Dyrisha had a three prong attack planned. Mind spiked giants from the North Rehsed from the east and the Dead from the south. Any plans beyond that are not known to me.

She did mind spike a being, a creature called the Auf Tor. Hes some sort of death incarnation for them, part reaper part psychopomp. He was to be her weapon."


“What is an Auf Tor?” asked Rogarth, “Anyone heard about this thing? Makes me miss my sword. Then again…”

He began looking around the room for a new weapon. Against an incarnation of death, Rogarth would need a little more than just an oar. Even so, he feared the torment that awaited him in Warmonger’s hell dimensions if he were to die again. He also feared he deserved it for his sins in his youth.