In Brez, Surrounded


Gorth frowned "I will tell you this with full confidence, niether I nor anyone under my command, nor if anyone listens to my recommendation shall listen to your desire to “show us who the true demons are” while we are being invaded. Until our borders are secure we shall not open other fronts. You may believe that these tribes are free of demonic taint, but you want us to spend resources to aid you in proving it to us while these demonic creatures destroy our way of life. Proving it to me while they destroy us will mean nothing, because even if you managed to convince the Church that they are not demons the war will still go on anyway because they cannot accept anything besides war.

So if you can convince them to stop their invasion and pull back from lands they have encroached on, then we will take the time to see what you wish to show."


Vektor looked at the two Earthers. He liked the one the called Sira. He made no sense but he sounded deeply caring. And was not malicious in his faith. It was a stark contrast to the Church of One Earthers he experienced.

Vektor ignored Gorth. He was done talking to the Church of One. They didn’t want to talk about peace, they demanded it… on their terms. He didn’t want peace. Vektor couldn’t imagine peace. Not while the Eathers enslaved their kind and gassed and bombed every town where Earthers and Olgogs actually managed to make peace.

“Those are big words from a people who destroyed a town completely because the townsfolk had the audicity to accept our kind in our homes. And before you interrupt me with a retort, I want to answer this,” he pointed to Sira, “good man’s question. And trust me, you’ll want to save your answer for that … if you still have one.”

He took a breath before continuing, “We want no Church of One passengers on the train. There’s a way-station by Thomasville. No passengers are to get on or get off at Thomasville, nor are any goods to be traded there to Eather or Brezan as long as Thomasville stands as a beacon of Church of One Power. The Church of One paladins and their armies are to leave Brez immediately and never return. If any invading force were to come near Brez, if we enlist your aid, you are to give it to us. Including against the Church of One. We want to speak with the EEF to determine the nature and extent of their “rule” over Brez, now that you mention it. We want trade rights with the Earthers that come through, and not have to use your silly currency for it has no value among our people. We do not wish to be ruled by Earthers, nor do we wish them to able to exert influence over us and our communities. Many of us live in this hovel of a city to escape Earther persecution, we don’t want to put ourselves at your people’s mercy again. Our position against the Church of One will be considered lifted the day all the cities currently inhabiting the our lands are opened for communal living between Olgog and Earther, without fear of persecution or enslavement. Simonsburg is a good example. In other words, we want to remain free. And if we’re being honest, a free source of water for all would be nice too.” His tone was serious, but not threatening or demanding.

He knew his demands were high, but that’s the nature of negotiation among the Olgog. Of course, the Earther known as Gorth would have a fit, but that would be the most satisfying part of this negotiation. He just hoped Sira would understand and be willing to continue the barter. While there were some points that were non-negotiable, others he would be willing to let slide. His job, of course, was to make sure the other side of the barter didn’t know which was which. He awaited for either the inevitable outburst of fury from Gorth or what Vektor anticipated would be measured and respectful response from Sira.


(OOC Not sure if I’ll rewrite this, but I wrote this before Vektors response above.)

Auf Lalur’ab sighs “I see Vektor was right. The differences are the problems. You stand there complaining about war being forced on you when you have never stopped killing us for our Fur and teeth. With these death camps still open, and every gog you find or buy from slavers sent there to be slaughtered. It is hard for us to convince the tribes you mean nothing but our extinction. You call us possessed or demonic for how we look and the fact that we use the energies of the world around us. The different Leyas.”

Auf Lalur’ab then concentrates and a ball of light appears in his hand and then he lets it puff out.

Auf Lalur’ab then continues "Even if it is the same as what you sir Paladin use. Like Light and Healing Leyas. We are not possessed nor demonic.

There are some tribes that work with some aliens. But this is the Church of Ones Fault in many cases. As these other races took in different tribes of Olgogs during your crusade to wipe us out. Even we Olgog’s who do not follow these aliens, or even in some cases fight against them, we blame the church for many of these.

As for the Warmonger dead. I have personally ended some of the ones that follow the Warmonger. Unit 111 have caused us great trouble. And I expect they are not done causing destruction in refuge. It has been a while since we have seen them, but that worries me more than giving me comfort.

But it is not the Warmonger’s dead that we scare our juvs into behaving with. It is you and your Church of One."

Auf Lalur’ab then turns from the paladin as says “Again I am done. If this continues, I believe the Paladin and I should leave as we are distracting from what needs to be resolved today. Vektor,Sira if you wish I will leave and return home.”


Gorth waited until both were done patiently then turned to Vektor and shrugged “We made an attempt to save the people living there, we gave them an opportunity to leave with us peacefully and be safe. We were insulted and mocked for our efforts. Your kind forcably captured the town, you weren’t invited in. When the people chose to serve your kind they joined the side of the enemy and were thus traitors. In war when people join your enemy they become the enemy. We tried being nice, if they had left the town and come with us in peace we would have left peacefully. That was the deal, you keep the town and the people come with us, when that deal was turned down the deal was off. Nothing inapropriate about that, this is war. What did you expect really? Capture a town and we would just congratulate you and wait for you to sack another? You want us to sit around while you attack and pillage every community we have here and get insulted when we actually fight back. You believe you can insult us, but if we retort in kind then we are in the wrong. We are monsters, but when you do similar things to us you are blameless.”

Turning to Sira “As you can see from his deal with you, he does not want peace with us. Our feelings and dislike of them is meaningless in this situation. They will not stop attacking until they drive us to the sea. We are willing to give an effort. Will it be easy? Of course not, hatred runs deep on both sides. We are willing to try to build a new future where there is a chance for more then just death, they will consider nothing but war. Even if peace is impossible in the long term, isn’t it our duty as sentient beings to try? War breeds only more death and destruction, lets say they win, and the Church is drive away. Things will never change, in time they will come back, they shall bombard the newly captured territories, use weapons of mass destruction, and high technology to drive them out again. The Cycle will continue never ending, who benefits from this?”

"Turning towards Auf Lalur’ab “You are not the only ones who scare their children with stories of evil. You all are the ones who inspire our stories, you think this war that is going on will end those stories? The people of Dunesphere will continue to hate your kind and if they desire revenge they will not discriminate which tribes partiicpated in what attack. They will blame all equally, this will solve nothing.”

Speaking to all “You all cling to the past to justify present aggression, the Church did bad things in the past, therefore they deserve death and destruction now. Just remember the population you face here is nothing compared to the population of Dunesphere. Even if we lose this war it is but a drop in the bucket, the armies of the Church can come back far stronger then what you face here, as long as this war continues only death awaits all of us in the future. This cycle of death and destruction needs to stop. Will I ever like your kind? No, never, but you will never like me either. I stand here as proof that the Church can decide not to be violent, we can let you live in your city without being hunted. The future is unwritten, we are willing to let you write the next chapter, will it be one of blood and death? Will you be trapped by your hatred and act out of fear? Or will you gather your courage and do what is right, gamble on peace, and we can hope that one day future generations will not have to throw their lives away on meaningless wars.”


Lok’or looked at the raving human. “Excuse me, sir, would you come down? We are not here to fight you. My companions and I came here to see this ‘train’ for ourselves. You have stated that the Dead are evil and tainted by the Demonic. We will not argue this as for the vast majority this is true. There are some of us that have realized that this is not the way to exist. That this just propagates the cycle of distruction. We have chose to fight against the darkness in the world. Some to redeem themselves, other because we have taught them a different way. But before you condem us all for the actions of others like us, stop and think about the fact that some of us are trying to see past the actions of the majority of the Church of One to see the good in those members of it that aren’t bloodthirsty killers.”


Sira looked sereenly at Gorth, "In the same breath you say you cannot negotiate about larger issues like how your legal system treats the natives. Then you say you will not change any behavior until the natives stop fighting you. You Sir Gorth are not a negotiator about larger issues as you have said. In which case you have no real business here.

I did not ask for a single resource. So please do not put words in my mouth. You are acting like the wolf who steals a lions kill then complains that the Lion mauls you.

This is a diplomatic negotiation in Brez where you have no legal standing. Brother Jerun Brother Arvind please escort Sir Gorth and his soldiers out of Brez.
Sir Gorth please tell your masters that a real negotiator must be sent who is empowered to talk about larger issues. No one may make demands after they have refused to discuss any compromise."

Sira would not respond to further statements from Gorth focusing instead on the actual negotiators present.

“Vektor there is much to ponder on what you have said. To begin with as there is no Brezan government the VofV and the Brotherhood of the fist must catagorically refuse to deploy any military elements in defense of Brez. War benefits no one.”

Then Sira seemed to meditate for a moment then kindly said, "Water will be needed by both workers and travelers. Therefore it benefits all if water encatchment systems are installed and all water collected by it will be give free to all. To prevent water hoarding i ask that we appoint a Brother of the Fist and a member of each gang to a Water distribution council. They will moniter the flow of water and act together against any group that tries to take more than what is needed.

Money is an illusion. And it represents the ultimate in grasping.
Therefore we will support a policy of barter only as long as the natives allow earther to earther transactions in the banking guild certified Ghaz currency."

“Thomasville sounds like a dangerous area. If we have no trade and no passengers at thomasville it makes little sense to have a station.
Can the natives provide a different location between Brez and Chooru for the San Station? A place where Earthers and Natives might interact peacefully.”


Sira pondered Lok’or and the presence of freed Dead here in Brez, “Dead One would yours be willing to defend Brez instead?
And if so would the Brezans accept the freed dead as equals and citizens of Brez if they did?”

To the tla’loc’alans he would say “Auf Lalur’ab, the VofV wishes to maintain Ichi Station near your lands. Do you have any objections to this? It is better to discuss building a damn before the flood occurs not after the skies are heavy with rain.”


Pulling out a small comm crystal he waited on hold as a muzak version of the girl from ipanema played on. Once the hold was over he quickly explained that an EEF negotiator and a colonial negotiator must be sent to assist with the Brezan negotiations.

–(Invites to Agent Brooke to act as colonial negotiator and to Field Marshall Strykker to this negotiation thread)–


(FYI The last statement done by Gorth was never said in anger, his voice was calm the entire time. That is why I specified that he shrugged in the beginning, I never mentioned that he was getting angry. So there would be no need to ask him to calm down.)

Turning towards Lok’or “I am quite calm, if you notice that i have kept my voice level here, I have been patient and allowed people to speak not interrupting them, I just responded to each of their points in turn. You say you wish to end the cycle of violence, well I am glad to hear that. When I return back to Jamesville, I shall have the word spread that your Unit shall not be sought out for battle unless it comes to us. So as long as your troops do not seek battle against us we shall not seek battle against your unit. We shall look for your Uniforms to distinguish you, what is the name of your Unit so we may know it by name?”

Turning towards Sira "What words did I put in your mouth? I never said anything in regards to that. I simply told you that they do not seek peace with us. What did I say that you said? I spoke the truth, i was not negotiating. The Church will never stop its actions as long as there is a native army currently attacking. If there was an army besieging your colony and you were told that they were actually in the right and that you were wrong, so please send your warriors away from the defense of your colony on a quest to prove that they are good and you are bad. I can bet that you would want that siege to end before you send your defenders away. What if your city fell before you found the truth? How will that truth help you then?

However you have decided that we cannot speak of these things. As I cannot decide the entire policies of the Church you do not wish to speak to me so I will go. I never claimed this territory in the name of Dunesphere, I said that we came here to help you and we did. I have been patient, after helping you my morality and honor has been questioned and I have been calm and not threatened anyone.
I feel that it is sad state of affairs, you question us and paint us as the villain when the ones threatening you currently are treated with respect. They do not deny that they are fighting a war of aggression against us and you simply turn around and condemn us. I say that if peace is given a chance I would recommend that we try to change our policies and again I am brushed off.

As to no legal standing, this tribe in Brez is one of many, he has no legal control over Brez as he is a gang. Yet he is treated as an official diplomat even though you yourself have said that there is no official government of Brez, by colonial law he has the same lack of legal standing as I do, legally he is the equivalent of a Squatter who kills anyone who tries to evict him. However it seems that colonial law only applies to me. The hypocrisy that everyone here accuses the Church of seems to be with you as well.

I shall ask for an official diplomat to be sent, however I highly doubt you will be anymore helpful with him then with me. If you wish to actually meet with him, I recommend somewhere else then Brez, As we are not welcome here."

Paladin Gorth bows respectfully to Sira and nods respectfully to Lok’or, walks calmly to his horse and leads his Paladins away from the meeting, trotting at a relaxed pace through Brez back toward Church lands. Ignoring all natives he will just trot pass them.


When Brother Arvind reports that the paladins have left Sira’s serene face betrays a hint of anger, "If i wasnt here as a diplomat i would have poked that pretentious racist’s eye out and handed it back to him.

Who starts a negotiation by saying they are not authorized to make any decisions and then says all others at the table must offer him agreeable terms. A lout and a manipulator that is who. This is what made their kind the hosts to the Accuser."

Then he turned back to the Natives apologizing for his outburst and says ,"One of these days I will convince one of the brothers of the mind to make a little visit to Dunesphere and teach them basic manners. They have no interest in slaying the real demons only excuses for why they shouldd continue their purges against the innocents.

As for squatters rights he brings up an excellent point. All the lands held by Earthers here on Refuge are based on squatters rights.
The crab loses his shell because he thinks he has found a bigger one, the crab is now naked."



Vektor really liked the Earther named Sira. It was the first time that an Earther made any genuine attempt to promote peace. And he got rid of the Paladins, who were impossible to deal with.

“1) Your water plan is brilliant. There will invariably be fighting, but it’s definately a start. 2) The Grey Furs, many of their kind have proven helpful to us. The Shield of the Redeemer are already accepted among us, as I think this grey fur is. I can’t promise for other tribes, but it’s a start. If you can figure out a way for us to determine if they’ve been freed from whatever it is you say they need to be freed from, all the better 3) Thomasville is heinous. Simonsburg is a united Olgog and Earther settlement. It would be a better location for all involved and would be less threatening to us. I also think it would help the Earthers living there if they felt more connected to the Earther society and culture 4) We thank you for the introduction to the EEF, consider our request fulfilled 5) I have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to money, but we have no qualms with the Earthers doing Earther things, such as use coin, just don’t expect us to do the same and don’t use it against us. 5) Point taken regarding Brez. My request is countered and withdrawn. Our position regarding the Church of One stands. As long as you’re ok with that, we will let the matter lie. And finally, there is no term in our language for squatter. As the Earthers saying goes: Food for Throught.”


Lok’or looked at Sira. Remembering to take a breath, he starts “We of the shield of the redeemer would be honored to help defend this station. As we are not Brezan and obvious as it is for most of us, it would be easy to tell us from the local tribes. If you could provide a shelter and basic food and water for the younglings that are with us, that would be a great help. I did not bring a large force with me but I can send for several more troopers to bring my group here up to around ten. that should be sufficient to aid you with out being so many as to antagonize the Brezans unduly.”

Pausing and looking around, he continued “That being said, I must state that we will not attack or detain anyone that is not actively trying to hinder the train depot or its operation. We have taken oaths that restrict us in how we may proceed. Other than attacksm the one beings we will engage in combat are Demons and those under their influences.”


An AAV bearing EEF markers swooped lower over Brez circling twice before landing. The crafts ground effect threw up a curtain of dust and grit. The AAV lifted again rapidly on screeching fans. As the dust settled five figures could be seen walking thought it. The group was led by a female K’iron in an EEF uniform. She was short for a K’iron just over four feet and had dark green hair pulled back into a tight tail. Following her was a young looking earther man to her right and left strode a pair of goliaths,one earther and one ol’gog. Bringing up the rear was a set of dark blue lancer power armor. As they neared the conversation the Oni and goliaths stopped as the earther and K’iron continued. When they reached the group the woman took them all in at a glance. “Greeting I am General Ma’pel commanding EEF RCT 5. I understand some one here wished to speak with the EEF. I apologize on behalf of the Field Marshal he wanted to come himself but was detained.”


Auf Lalur’ab said "Lalder our leader has already decreed your station in Tla’loc’al is under the protection of the Lur Union. And if there are any issues with that, it will be under the protection my tribe directly. Of course no Church of One anything are allowed this close to Tla’loc’al again.

The only future issue that I can see is if the station causes a full settlement to be created near it. If this is the case, there would have to be negotiations directly with representatives of council of Tla’loc’al to make sure there is general acceptance of earthers staying there more than a short time. This should limit the conflicts later. We will help arrange this if you desire."

(OCC if council is not the right word, insert there)

Auf Lalur’ab continued "

We hope this station will, like the one in Brez, and hopefully in Simonsberg, will also allow earthers to see we are not the monsters the church tells them to fear. Also hopefully this can be a place of trade between the tribes and the outside world."


(OOC ah 2 times in 24 hours writing a post at the same time as someone on the same thread :stuck_out_tongue: )

Auf Lalur’ab says “Greetings General, I am Auf Lalur’ab of Herd of Auf Lal’ al of Tla’loc’al. Our Elder Lalder had worked with EEF before a few months ago as part of a group of Olgog Elders. Vektor here is of the ones most needing to talk with you.”

Auf Lalur’ab will step back for Vektor to take over.


Jill-jo one of the earther pirates with the brezan defensive team listened to the negotiations. “You know to be fair the tribes nearby all 3 stations will have to let anyone trade with the trains. You try and keep that resource to yourself and it will be a war.” When eyes turn to look at her she will introduce herself, “The names Jill-Jo Kul’gul Rapi. Sa’Tor here wanted me to do the talking.” She said pointing to the lead vampyr.

She turned to the general, “General was it? I wish to broaden the horizons of this little trip, make it ya know worth your while. This hovertrain line proves you want greater trade and contact here. The Kul’Gul Rapi and others have formed a trading company and are looking to open a trade agreement to allow some of our ships to sell goods in Colonies markets.”


Sira nodded respectfully with fist clasped in palm, “General Ma’pel i am most honored the EEF has given us the gift of meeting with one of their Jinn Officers.
Thank you for coming. The assembled gangs of Brez wish to represent themselves. The Train station between Doyest Vesk and Chooru has concerned them. They wish to seek a way to make their needs heard.”


Sira said to the Olgog pirates , “Discussion of trade wil happen and fairness will be extended to all in as much as the natives of Brez allow.”


General Ma’pel nodded to Sira. “Honored monk, you would be brother Sira I take it? We thank you for informing us of these talks. The EEF would be most pleased to normalize relations with our southern neighbors.” turning to the group she continued. “So, what specific concerns do you wish to address to us?”


Jill-Jo nodded, she didn’t want it to back slide into another round of arguing who had the right to massacre who. “General the tribes of Unen have begun producing many gooods mainly artifacts, but also fishing and wooden crafts. We believe they can trade these for goods they lack. Simple things like metal tools, as well as goods completely unknown to them like the magical duct tape.” She turned to Sira, “With all respect Mr Monk the train lines avoid the Unen Province entirely. If the EEF and the lost colonies were willing to open its ports to unarmed tribal ships it would help the region as well as counteract any unbalancing influence trade along the train line could cause.”