Intermission 2: The Hovertrain to Chooru with Stops in ?


Gobbog didn’t like the way Lurtor said many more. "The Aryeserai are living beings. I will need to bring Kolgol to the Aryeserai Patriarch on Refuge to get their blessing and the larva. I can’t just get larva like requisitioning rifles in the military.

But all worthy may request the blessing and love of the Aryeserai."


Lurtor heard the change in tone and said "I’m sorry if I offend, I do tend to think in tactics when looking at a foe as bad as we have. i just want to find a way to stop the Neliff with the least amount of Olgogs and others dying. "

Lurtor took out a crystal to listen too. He then put it down.

Lurtor says “We have a ride to the location in the Der’al collective where the possible Neliff sighting is. It seems there are 2 groups of Giants heading toward a caravan. This is in the area where the Neliff was detected. We will have access to One Lur Union Fighter, but with only one, we’ll have to keep it out of sight. Besides getting there, it will help us know where friendlies and enemies are through the radar.”


“I might be able to bring in some help. I just need to get to Bartsport and speak to Lord Mada.” This simple sentence draws attention to the fact that Dargor’lur a mark on his face that was not a scar.


Fixx said, “I can get you a commcrystal line out to Lord Mada.”
[Lord Mada may now post to this thread on comms]


Lurtor says “When we approach these giants, we should prioritize the giants infested with the neliffs. I can tell that on sight. Try to keep your distance though.”

(OOC sorry, I’ve been pretty sick, so I haven’t been posting in the last few days.


The mission was a success…


On a table, in front of Lurtor, Dargor’lur and Kolgol lay Gobbog. Lurtor spun out his combat knife and began cutting away at Gobbog’s flesh as quickly as he could. His only hope was to remove the parasite before it had a chance to birth itself, but he didn’t know that. Lurtor just knew the alien egg had to come out.
The flesh parted easily before Lurtor’s blade, and Kolgol and Dargor’lur held Gobbog down. Each slice issued a painful plaintative cry from Gobbog, but he could do little except suffer the pain.
Gobbog had felt the invasive power of the Neliff and it was terrifying. Now he suddenly understood why the Quall considered the Neliff the most dangerous species to have ever existed.
Finally Lurtor pulled the egg from the wound, using the techniques of the Shield of the Redeemer to find its corrupting spirit. Lurtor lifted up the sample container VLAD Agency had designed for this mission and placed the egg inside. It kept the egg and its tiny Neliff inhabitant in stasis but quite visible.
Gobbog was healed, and the four agents gathered around the sample they had found.


Lurtor says “I have some commcrystal messages to make.”

Lurtor steps aside taking out 3 commcrystals to make his report. He keeps those messages short, mainly stating the had the proof needed.

Then he came back to the group and said " This wasn’t how I wanted to succeed in this mission, as I wish no one this pain. But I’m glad the Neliff Larva was unable to control you Gobbog.

Did you see when you were injected Gobbog."


Gobbog took out a small silken hankercheif embroidered with his initial G and Warlord Ascendant. He wiped his brow like a southern gentleman of days of yore, and replied, "Lurtor I can still feel that burning, searing pain. It feels like a cooking under my skin. A burn that exceeds my capacity to ignore it, and it makes me want to rub the wound even now.

The tentacle that struck me came from the Neliff. It poked me, as the Giant held me. The rest of the experience is garbled. But I believe the great blessings that Ar’yay granted the Ar’Yeserai upon her ascension has protected me from the illusionary powers of the Neliff.

This Neliff calls himself Neliff. I think they all do…? Must make conversation a pain in the…say if the Neliff can control peoples minds, how do we know how many there are? They could be floating around major cities and we wouldn’t even know it???"


Finally calming himself, Gobbog adjusted his collar and stood up proudly. "I think we can take these Neliff out. But we have to seperate them from their Giant Bodyguards first.

How can we find out how many Giants are wearing Neliff, and where their camps are?? That seems to be our first goal.

But I also won’t let us get sidetracked. The VLAD agency promised we could save Kolgol’s people. And I think we will need their help, especially those Balgogs. They are rock right? Then the Neliff may not be able to breed them.

I know I’d feel safer riding one of those bad boys into battle."


Lurtor says "The Ballgogs all went demonic. I fear the are unusable now. At least Kolgol’s were. I’m not sure if Ol’lurs Balgogs were corrupted. If we were to get any, I would prefer from them.

I had a different idea, or maybe an additional ally to bring into this battle. The Dead of Unit 817. The redeemers can see and the most devout could even destroy a neliff. Also, many of them are also immune to the Neliff’s control.

I need to ask a question before I can answer how to find them. I think Lalder’s Radar can detect the neliff due to multiple life forms in one host. But we need permission from the Der’al collective to scan their lands. Part of the deal of us going in was to bring this proof to the Der’al collective to get their assistance in helping wipe out the Neliffs.

But there is always the chance that the neliffs have infested some there as we know at least one is in their lands. So we have to be careful and on the watch for them.

Gobbog, can you help with that? "

(OOC not sure if the Narrator wants the Der’al collective to come to this thread or us to theirs. Oliver would be one person we need to talk to.)

(OOC 2, I want to double check on the mission questions that the Radar spotted a neliff specifically like I thought I read. )


Kolgol’s eyes lit up at the mention of his Balgogs.

“Not all of them are corrupted, although you are correct that a number of them are now hell cursed due to Kalok’s power. However, I do believe that they would be highly effective against this enemy, as when we first fought the Mag Der’al they proved to be resistant to their controlling effects. I believe that, given the chance, I could either find uncorrupted ones, or perhaps reclaim one with a certain artifact that I acquired before the fall of my tribe.”

He paused for a moment, and then said slowly,

“I obtained a suit of Balgog battle armor that greatly boosts my ability to command Balgogs and other automatons, and if I could recover this, I believe that I could sway some of the automatons to our side with ease. We would need to either steal it from my tribe, or perhaps negotiate something out… Either way, it could be a great leap forward in fighting off the neliffs.”


Lurtor says "Kolgol, you do not have the Larva yet. I don’t think its a good idea for you to be around any of the demonic forces until you have a method to protect you against their influence. I do agree that the balgogs could be useful.

I think we should have two short term goals.

One, we need to bring the Der’al Collective in on the Neliff hunt. Verify that the leadership is safe from the Neliff influence and get permission to scan and locate the hive. If we do not find the location, the Dawn Spear may wipe out many more in their raging attack against the Neliffs. They will move, but I hope to target them instread of letting them wipe out large areas.

Second, we need to get Kolgol into contact with the Ar’Yeseri to see if he can get the Larva and complete that. I think both will benefit, but most importantly, as long as Kolgol is still in agreement, the Ar’Yeseri will help him resist the Neliff as well as the Demonic control. And then I think we should get the non demonic Balgags, and maybe even this armor you spoke of Kolgol.

We have a problem of too much to do and too little time. But I think we still have some prep to do before we can try and free Kolgol’s tribe."


(OOC I’m not sure how to get the Larva thing to happen, but I’ll bring it in the Ar’yeseri and Lalder thread, or maybe Gobbog can do something??? )


Dargor’lur looked thoughtful then said " Maybe we do not need to seek the Balgogs that exist. What if we made some here, even a few that were not flame. This would give us the numbers we need but the diversity that the corrupted Balgogs do not have." at the questioning looks he says “We can use Kolgols knowledge of them to craft such bodies and have them blessed by the Aufgogs of Hob, Lal, and Kol to counter the tainted Kalok.”


Lurtor says "Now Dargor’lur, I like that idea. Kolgol, do you think you could do that?

We could do that for to solve both of the problems, the Demon and Neliffs. And I like using something other than fire if we want to use them against the demonic Balgogs."


Kolgol gave a skeptical look, and said,

“The amount of work that it takes to create just one is staggering, and even with all the masons and craftsgogs in my tribe, the creation of a vessel to hold the essence of the Balgog would still take a good while. In addition, we would require the raw material to create it, preferably stone, and lots of it too. If time is a factor in dealing with the neliffs, creating new Balgogs is not our best bet.”


Lurtor says “I think that puts us back to the 2 short term tasks I stated. Locate the Neliffs, and get Kolgol his larva.”


Gobbog smiled while sorting through the possessions VLAD has returned to him. He pulled out an Amulet made of Quall Bone and affixed it around his neck. "Lurtor you forget I am the legal Warlord of the Armies of the True Flame. I can bring my army and my honor guard anywhere in Der’al Collective lands on diplomatic and defensive missions.

I also think we should get the Tor Lallur to help. Their powers over disease might help us remove Neliff eggs from the infected.

I will ask Dar’ab of Tor Lallur but you need to get Unit 817 and their help."


Lurtor says “Your right, I did forget that. I leave the Der’al Collective to you. I will go to meet with Unit 817 to bring them aboard. We still have the comm crystals to communicate as we set things in motion.”