Planning the Nine Labors of OtO in Bill's tent in GulTor'Uf (starting Week 11)


Dolur says “I agree, Lets bring him in and lets talk to him.”
(OCC This is invite to bring Olgog the Olgog back in for the thread.)


The young gog sent to get OtO enters the tent. “He refuses to come, he says you can go speak to him in his tent if you wish”.


Glog stands up and after nodding to Lalder, goes to the other tent.


Dolur was a bit annoyed by Olgogs attitude. Dolur thinks “He was the one being punished for killing thousands. He is lucky to be alive. And we have been truly been trying to help him. It seems Olgog is trying to throw our kindness back at us. I hope by us going over and not forcing him here, he doesn’t think this makes us weak.”

Dolur says "Fine, but we also have to still think about how does Olgog the Olgog make up to all for this crime that murdered thousands of gogs at Tla’loc’al in addition to trying to help him resolve his issues. So while we go to his tent to appease him this time, there is still much for him to earn forgiveness for those actions. "

(OCC I’ll go over to the other post once Olgog the Olgog gets a change to answer Or’Lur’s question. He went over first and I don’t want to get in the way of that.)