Return of the Fallen


Kolgol raised an eyebrow quizzically. “This is news to me. I did not know we were fighting those abominations from the south. I shall surely aid you chieftain Lalder, you can expect five of our best warriors to assist you. I would also be honored if you would allow me to come…it has been too long since Oath-breaker tasted blood”, as he rubbed the pommel of his great-axe lovingly.


Protodoxa listened quietly as the Chieftains discussed the array of threats. These Earthers in the North, and the Dead in the south. He knew the Earthers chose to be monsters while the Dead had simply been made that way by powerful but evil K’ias Experimentation. He said, "I have faced more than my fair share of Warmonger’s Dead during the Wars. Their weaponry is powerful and their ability in combat above average, but still their undead forms limited them in certain ways. Their weakness against Healing Leyas is pronounced, pour Healing Leyas into their bodies and they will begin to cook away from the inside. Otherwise their heads must be separated from their shoulders or crushed.

After you have dealt to this affront by the TorkolGogs, we will plan this trip into the stronghold at Bartsport. I agree we would be well served with a small scouting force, small in numbers and small enough to not make our enemies suspect we need anything there. If they suspect we need something, they will hold it harder. "

At that moment the squire was brought in and placed in front of their Mighty Cheiftains. Young Squire Dominic visibly looked scared.


The messenger olgog noticed the squires fright, and smiled, gesturing for him to come stand by him. He then speaks saying, "Master Kolgol has just led a small force to aid chieftain Lalder with some of those vile undead creatures, but he will be back soon I believe. In the meantime, why don’t you tell our friend Protodoxa here about the one known as Seidermann. He is most anxious to know about the modern organization of the church of One, and you are an excellent storyteller, I am sure. Mayhaps you have heard something about a strange hammer…


“The Auf” quietly sat down again and listened calmly for the human to speak. It would be important to remember as much of the squire’s information as he could.

(OOC: He’s trying to look as non-imposing as possible, knowing that the earthers fear the “goblins”, he trying to give the squire a reason not to fear him.)


Bill strolls in the tent, greeting the Auf with a nod of his head. Noticing that he walked in on a conversation, he quickly says. “I am Bill from the Tribe of GulTor’Uf” and takes an open seat.


Lalder looks toward the squire and says “Be at ease” (While Lalder says this, he slowly eases the squires free with Healing Leyas. Leaving just a little bit so he doesn’t notice.)


Tla’Hob closed his eyes and willed the leyas to show him the leyas around him.


The Squire looked up at the assembled Olgog Chieftains, surprised at how different they all looked even though they were all Go… Olgogs.
He gulped once again and finally spoke, “The Church of One is the same as it has been for the last two thousand years since the Earth was given up.
The Church of One is ruled by their Council of Cardinals and the Noble Lords of Dunesphere. They all rule their local districts and then swear their allegiance to the Pope and through him the Church of One. The Inquisition answers only to the Office of the Pope and can put anyone of rank lower than Lord or Cardinal into jail with only accusation of heresy or blasphemer. The Inquisition then gathers the criminal’s lands and knights and brings them into the fold. The Knights are usually sent down here to the… to these lands to prove themselves leading new paladins and green squires into battle. Or at least that is how the Knights described it.
Inquisitor Lord Seidermann was one of the great ancient heroes enshrined in the Cathedral of Man in Dunesphere. When I was a child we were all told stories about how the Inquisitor Siedermann killed the Goblin King that once ruled the Penninsula in single combat and took the lands as a hero.”

Protodoxa snorted in annoyance, “Your…hero…Siedermann decided to nerve gas my tribal guards and then had his Red Bishops gun me down before he bothered to face me in…single combat.”

“I am sorry mighty sir, I only know what they told me,” whispered Dominic fearfully, “I also don’t know anything about a hammer, but in the story, Inquisitor Siedermann made a great museum under Bartsport holding the forbidden weapons he recovered. It was guarded by a Dragon that Siedermann caught in the south in the story.”

“Siedermann reports to the High Inquisitors, the High Inquisitors report to the Pope,” Dominic continued seeming to become more relaxed, “Siedermann does what he wants though. He ran Bartsport like his personal harem, all those beautiful young women. It was like he was cloning them.”

Dominic blinked a few times, he had never felt so relaxed before, suddenly he looked around with suspicion, “Why do you want to know about Siedermann? He’s not coming here is he? They say he kills everyone who has ever faced him.”

Then realizing what he said and how it might offend he chirped, “Sorry” while looking over at Protodoxa. The former high cheiftain waved if off without any upset.

“Lord Grimaldus rules these lands, he is the Lord in charge of this region, though Cardinal Blake is in charge of the physical churches and Siedermann ran Bartsport,” said Dominic, “The Lord is a very kind man who wishes well to everyone. He was even quoted as feeling bad for your kind and not understanding why you wouldn’t just stay in your caves and away from the Earther lands.”


Tla’Hob looked at the young Earther now seeing what Glog ment about them not shairing knowledge.
“Did they ever tell you of how they came here seeking to flee the Qual? Or how we told them of the Leyas and the nightmares and they called us ignorent? Or how they, in fear, attacked and enslaved our people and killed us when they wanted the lands our ancesters had lived in? And now they are trying to start war once again.”
He did not let his anger take hold of him but spoke of these things clearly and sought only to inform the young one.


“The Auf” pondered this information. So in all likelyhood, Protodoxa’s hammer was still at Bartsport. Once Lalder and Kolgol returned, they could begin plans to retrieve it. “Where Siedermann now?” he asked. It was important to know if their enemy would be at Bartsport, so they could be prepared.


The Squire said, “I don’t really know where Siedermann is now, I left Bartsport with Sir Kolgol and havent been back since.”

Then Dominic turned to the olgog of Or’Lur and said, "I don’t know what a Quall is…is it some type of demon? Nor do I know about any Leyas. I only know Priests perform miracles, and Evil Witches cast curses and make deals with demons for sorcery. I was raised being told that the heroes of the Colonizing Age saved these lands from the evil demons and their minions the goblins, the elves and the dwarves. "


Seeing Squire Dominic’s confusion, the messenger Ar’Yahn, for that was his name, intervened.

“Good squire, the Quall are a vile race of parasitic monsters, mayhaps you have heard them by a different name. They look like a bull, and have four arms, broad and muscular. The leyas they refer to is a segue to making miracles happen, or like you said before, sorcery.”

He smiled and patted him on the back reassuringly, then gestured for the others to continue.


“The Auf” looked at the messenger in confusion. “Bull?” He had no idea what this creature was, but it must be fearsome, to be compared to a Quall. Returning his attention to the squire, he said “Your ‘miracles’; Leyas. You believe this, so it is. Leyas; channeled through belief. Stronger is stronger.” “The Auf” thought about how else he could try to explain things from the Olgogs’ point of view. “Colonization Age; Er-thers, invade gog lands, kill innocents, we defend. They hide truth by calling us ‘demons’. Pretend righteous. Olgogs, K’iorn, K’iou, here on Der’al 'fore hoomuns invade. Not evil, Not demons; In hoomuns way.” he explained with perhaps a bit more bitterness than he would have liked, but thinking about it in such simple terms upset his usually balanced thoughts.


Dominic stared at the Auf blinking in a way that made the Auf wonder if he hadn’t understood him. Then the light of understanding dawned in the eyes of the young boy. He got really quiet and said, “Oh”.

Protodoxa sighed, “How can these creatures be so naive? They travel across the stars but cant puzzle this out just by looking at their society?”

Dominic asked, “Where is Sir Kolgol, I am his squire, and I should be at his side in battle??!”


Ar’Yan smiled benevolently, and stated, “Kolgol is away helping Chieftain Lalder at the moment. I’m sure he will be back soon. In the meantime, we must simply wait and hope he returns to us.” Then under his breath, “Alive”. He knew Kolgol was not fond of the policy of giving away some part of yourself to be revived, and if he died, Ar’Yahn didn’t know what he would do with the squire.


Something had been puzzling “The Auf” for a short time and he had been waiting for the right time to ask. Now seemed like that time.

Looking to Protodoxa, he asked, “Protodoxa; said were Falosini cross-breed? If may ask; cross-breed what?” The Aufgog knew that Protodoxa wasn’t a normal Olgog, but he didn’t know what made him different. As far as he could tell, he looked like an Olgog on the outside. However, he had been dead for years, but knew Lalder and Kolgol when they entered. “The Auf” was curious about the secrets Protodoxa had.


“When they raised me, they used to tell me that I was descended of the blood line of Falos himself,” said Protodoxa, “And whenever you see an Olgog with teal colored fur you know they descend of this ancient Falosini breeding program, just as the Red Furs show the influence of the Quall upon our kind.
Only the green and brown furs are truebred Olgogs.”

He gave a disarming smile and continued, “I also have trained in every style of Leyas Combat known to the Falosini except the forbidden Annihilation Leyas.
Ever since I forged my hammer I have refused to artifice another object.”


“The Auf’s” eyes widened in surprise at hearing this, although he should have expected nothing any less spectacular. He wasn’t sure that part about truebred Olgogs’ colors, as he glanced at Bill, who was green from the waist down. Granted, that it hadn’t happened naturally, his legs were still green now.

Bringing his mind back on topic, “The Auf” asked, “Refuse artifice?” Wondering why, posibilities swam through his head; maybe he wasn’t good at artificing, or maybe he just didn’t like it. Or maybe, he had created something so powerful, that it would be better not to artifice anything else.

“Retrieve hammer; help join gogs?” The Aufgog asked. He was more than willing to help retrieve Protodoxa’s hammer, but was also hoping that he would stay and help unite the tribes and end the conflict with the Church of One.


“My hammer is powerful, too powerful to leave in the hands of Siedermann,” replied Protodoxa, “It’s also cursed so I can’t trust anyone else to retrieve it.”

He thought long and hard. “Gathered Cheiftains, ill help your nation-building experiment. If you help me retrieve my hammer. But there must be planning for such an assault. If Siedermann remains at Bartsport, we will need a way in and out. And a way past his defenses”.


“The Auf” nodded his head in agreement. Protodoxa was right; It would be foolish to charge in without a strategy other than ‘retrieving the hammer’. Playing it stealthy would likely be the best plan of action, so that their intentions remained secret and to keep the situation with the Church of One from getting any worse with a repeated raid on Bartsport. The best way to remain stealthy was to have fewer gogs, but enough to be successful. He assumed that the other members of the Lur Union would assist such a raid, if asked. Many Chieftans in the Union had been there the day that Bartsport fell, and may also remember their ways around. It could be useful to know the territory they were going to sneak into, even it their knowledge of it was in a ruined state.
The Aufgog looked to Bill in such a way that requested his opinion on the matter.