The Tent of Peace of Mag Auf Yyanyi


But Aufgogs wouldn’t be in charge of determining what happens inside each tribe, nor would that act as enforcers, that would give them to much power. Another Tribe would act in moments like these, when a group of gogs infringes upon other gogs rights, perhaps some of the tribes of Brez. The way I am trying to set this up, will allow anyone to follow whatever tribal cultural beliefs they have, given that it doesn’t infringe upon other tribes.

We have ways to solve conflicts between two gogs, and in this we will set up a way to solve conflicts between tribes.

I do know that some things tribes do now, will be put up to the larger unified tribe group. But we do that now, with the councils we have for determining if we go to war.

I do not say I alone would be able to set this all up, I will need help in doing so. The knowledge of many gogs far supersedes the knowledge of one, and if we apply the knowledge of the gogs, we can create a better stronger society.


Urog didn’t know how to communicate his point to the idealist. So instead he said, “Why aren’t you listening!!! Grey Furs hunt Olgog. We Brezans kill other for 1 city block. We’re not at a point where we can unite. THAT is the problem. While the other tribes were unifying on this great offensive, I had to defend my home against other Olgogs. There is no way to unite us, much less figure out how to live as a united peoples! We have no skills, nothing to provide others… we can’t even provide for ourselves. Can’t you understand that!!!”


Bill sighed and started again.

Urog, I believe you are selling short you and your fellow Brezens. Every gog has skills others don’t, and most don’t know it until they do normal to them, and the other gogs around them are impressed by it. You have skills and ability to provide an union such as this. You mentioned that your fellow Brezens fight for land, food and water. By joining this type of group, you would receive food and water in exchange for what skills and abilities you can provide, as the other tribes would. Will the tribes needs met, they won’t need to fight each other to survive.

The Grey furs are one of the issues that everyone would need to deal with. Any tribe of Grey Furs that would wish to join would be welcome to, but it also would come with responsibly to follow the rules we set up, which no slavery would be one. If there was a grey fur tribe that was enslaving members of the greater tribe, we would be alerted, a member would be chosen to lead a group to go rescue the kidnapped and capture the perpetrators.


“It seems to me, provisions are not what you lack. Knowledge is what you lack, knowledge of how to make the desert bloom and knowledge of then how to collect water from those blooms,” said Mag Auf Yyanyi after listening to more of the “Brezan” Problem, “This is a skill well known among the Karovians. Maybe Uhryu of Gultor’Uf, you could send some of your nomadic gatherers to Brez to teach the olgogs serving Urog what seeds to collect, what seeds to plant for each season that will survive without cultivation. Ways to collect water from the morning dew, and what plants to grow that will collect water and store it. These will not answer the problems for all of Brez or even for all of Uf Mag’og but it will help. Like the Olgog trapped under the sand, sometimes just relieving the pressure is the difference between life and death.”


Finally, thought Urog, progress. He nodded silently when Yyanyi mentioned lack of skills. He looked expectantly at the Karovan, wondering his response. He also wondered what the others in the tent were thinking…


Yyanyi turned to all tribes who wished entry and said, “Speak up all of you, you are welcome here if you keep the peace.”

Yyanyi waited a few moments to listen and then continued.

“What is the greatest threat to the Olgogs right now?
Other than other Olgogs combined with ignorance and violence as is the Brezan situation. No offense intended to those living in Brez.”


“The Dead Olgogs serving the Warmonger who come north and attack the tribes and steal the honored dead?”


Urog, I know of 3 members of my tribe that have been recently trained in these skills, I will send them with their teacher, if this will help you.

Yyanyi, I see the biggest threat to the Olgogs is ourselves. Each tribe tries to survive alone, and deals with the external threats alone. With threats coming in at all sides through war and famine, it is hard to take a chance at something that could help you later on. If we could get past this, the external threats would be much easier to deal with.


Urog notched his head down in thanks to GulTor’Uf. He was used to being stoic and maintaining his Gang-leader face. Otherwise, he would have been smiling and jumping up and down for joy… he got what he wanted. At least some of it. “Thank you,” he said impassively.


Yyanyi thought on this long and hard and said, "These Dead are not living, therefore I do not apply the same respect for their right to lands.
If the Olgogs can be brought together to drive away these dead, will the Ka Gor Tribals also pledge their poleaxes to defend this fledgling nation that the tribe of GulTor’Uf is trying to form?

Without fear of Ka Gor raids from the south, the united tribes could focus on apply pressure to the furless threat from the north."


Urog nodded his head. Yyanyi agreed with him before, so it was only fair he agreed back, despite the fact that he could care less what was happening in the south as their problems were insignificant to him. Wanting to get on with it, seeing as he had gotten what he came for and would like to leave the tent as quickly as possible, he repeated what Yyanyi asked before, “What do we do against the furless once, if, when (?) we unite?”


“Capture their supply lines, cut off their water and food,” the Dimension Walker replied, “Then when they are starving and desperate we offer food and water. When they come to claim it we spring the trap and take their cities from behind.”


To Yyanyi he says, “If the Tribes help us defeat the Torkol Armies of MagMag Gor, then our poleaxes will be pledged to the tribes defense. This is a fair offer.”


Nngao had sat purposely in the shadow of King Urog, as was his position at the moment.
He hadn’t said anything, simply translating the Olgog tongue and respecting them to figure out their own political machinations.
But he would not be doing King Urog any favors if he let that one slide.

“Ka Gor Representative, know two things,” said Nngao in a stern voice that was barely above a whisper yet silenced all in the hall with its intensity, “If I wasn’t here as a guest of King Urog, I would have already killed you. That is not a threat, it is a truth.
The second thing you must know, is that the company you keep cannot be trusted to follow any deal you make. What you call the Ka Gor’na, and what the rest of us call Quall N’drone, will not abide by any treaty, rule, deal or claim you make here and now. And if you are fool enough to believe otherwise, than you are fool enough to … serve the Quall Hordes and think you are anything other than a host and fodder for their young.”


At that tense moment the tent was opened, and in walked a massive Brezan Olgog.

Topping out at seven foot three inches, his mane of black hair reached the roof of the tent. His armor was like a poor-man’s emulation of the Armorfiend hide armor worn by the Armies of the Ur-King. At his side were two smaller olgogs hidden by heavy armorfiend cloaks.
“I understand you claim to own the tribes ruled formly by Chieftain Tladol?” asked the big interloper.

Mag Auf Yyanyi said, “I have their allegiance, no one rules in my lands.”

“Then they are no longer your lands,” grunted the Olgog, “I am Yaog of the new Kolgul Militia. The old Kolgul Militia was content hiding in the hills of Karov and letting the years pass. All the while telling stories of glories that never happened.
But we have learned new things, and we are ready. Tell those who…give you allegiance…that we are coming. When we arrive they must either give us five soldiers to add to our ranks all of adult age. Or they must be prepared to lose the lives of all Olgogs. Tell them Yyanyi the coward. And gather your five, or prepare to watch your tent burn.”

Yyanyi smiled kindly ignoring the despot’s tone, “Thank you for your visit Yaog of the Kolgul Militia. Enjoy your journies and if they do bring you back here, you will be welcome in this tent…of Peace.”

The massive Yaog left, and the remaining Olgogs looked at each in surprise at this strange turn of events. The Kolgul Militia, little more than a civil defense force made of Goblin Trash who yearned for more, had been considered a joke by most tribals. But it had been around for a few hundred years without ever turning their weapons against fellow Olgogs. Something had to be driving the Kolgul Militia in this escalation of violence.


The Dimension Walker kept to the shadows and watched the Kolgul Militiagogs leave.

Then he stepped out and said, "Yyanyi your peace chances are dashed.
Tribals of Uf Mag’og and GultorUf, if you are willing to fight alongside Red Furs, we need to take this battle to the Kolgul. Each will defend his own tribe. Shall we plan for our counter attack on the Kolgul Militia? I want Yaogs head on the wall of my cave.

Nngao of the Kiorn you may hate me, but will you fight alongside Uf Magog if they join us against the militiagogs?"


“My choices are my own,” snarled Nngao quietly, “if you wish for the Gang of Uf Mag’og to help you it shouldn’t be contigent on my aide.”

Once the Dimension Walker acknowledged his ferocity Nngao turned back towards his allies and said, “Anyone who is as rude and arrogant as Yaog of Kolgul Militia will be a problem for a long time. And problems like that do have a habit of coming back around if you do not address them harshly and quickly.”


Urog was taken aback by the ferocity of Nngao’s words. He did not understand why the K’iorn struggled with the red furs. There was much, in fact, that he did not understand. He did not like that realization. What he understood was that he was now in a tenuous position. He needed to learn from the K’iorn known as the Nngao, but he could not stand against his olgog, no matter the color, until he had overwhelming reason not to.

“He is right,” referring to Nngao, “he is only a guest of ours. We of Brez may have a bad reputation, much of it deserved, but we will not stoop to the level of the Earthers who conscript other races to do their work for them. If he wishes to join us, as a guest, he may. But if his path takes him elsewhere, then so be it.” Urog was familiar with this breed of Olgog. He was, perhaps, most prepared to deal with it. This form of declaration was common in Brez. It was not the first time he dealt with it… and wouldn’t be the last.

“This militia will not meet in open battle. Theirs is a crusade. They will first come to us… and when it is least expected. Their greatest weapon is terror. If you fear them before you come, then all will be lost. Strengthen your tribes and do not cower before them. If you do not give into their demands and defeat them when they come to you, their numbers will be weakened. Then we can do as he says,” Urog once again motioned to Nngao without naming him… afraid even mention of his name will make the ferocious-looking K’iorn even more surly, “and seek out Yaog. But one step at a time.” Urog stood tall, his words strong, using every bit of skill he had in imposing his will through body language and speech to emphasize his point. “So if you find your resources lacking, now would be a good time to barter for what you need. You don’t want to be left without what you need when they come for you.”


Auf Yyanyi says, “When the Kolgul Militia comes, I will be like the sand before the wind and simply disperse. Hiding these tents melded with the sandy earth below us, my people will be safe. But it will mean hiding. Some Olgogs would have to much pride to do so. I feel bad for them.”

Yyanyi made preparations and the entire tent sank below the sands. All present found themselves submerged but safe, breathing yet under the ground. A feat made only possible by a master earthmancer. Even their words carried between them though they could not move.

“No fear,” said Yyanyi, “You may leave any time, but once you do so, you will not be able to reenter until the threat of the Kolgul Militia is long passed.”