A Journey to the Djinni - Planning at Tla'loc'al


“I hope one day soon you will see how violent and power hungry you have become. It has clouded your thoughts that me coming here to speak to you is considered trickery and Warmongering, except you are calling it starting a fight.”

And Bill will leave, to go back to his tribe. (he would be polite and share what food he had on the trip)


Lalder could not let him take such a high road after Bill treated him so. Before Bill left

Lalder says "Don’t call me names like a child. Don’t lecture me like a child. You didn’t come here to discuss, you came to Lecture. If you were serious you wouldn’t have called names, you wouldn’t have ignored what I said, and you would let me speak instead of interrupting me.

When you stop acting like a child and are willing to treat me like the Elder I am. We can discuss things.

As I said, our continued talks and relations are up to you. See if your pride will look into your own actions this day. You apologize for the name calling and the disrespect and we talk again. A Discussion, not a lecture. And as long as you continue to treat me with respect, I will do the same.

Now no more, go away and let things calm down before more is said."

(OCC yes, that is a dismissal)


Glog walked in just as Lalder was told Bill how childish he was acting looked around and said “Am I at the right meeting? I was told that there was to be a journey to advance our people, not arguments about who is acting like a young one whose mother said no.”


Auf Lalder smiles and says “Ha, thank you for the Laugh. I couldn’t have said it better myself. And I tried”


Glog looks at Lalder “I spoke also to you. All this fighting does nothing but strengthen the darkness in each of us. If we meet let us meet and talk and not be quick to lash out and attack each other for saying how we see things but rather agree that there is more going on than can be seen.”


Auf Lalder "I agree there is more to what has been going on. In each incident or battle lately, they has been someone pulling the strings. But for the Father of the Gog who killed thousands of ours, to tell me that I’m the one helping the warmonger. Yes, I’m holding a grudge, its only been a few weeks. I’m not perfect. And I do not know how to handle Bill. And maybe I reacted badly to his first accusation.

I told him how to work this out, use the council like it was meant for. I was tired of being called names, accused of actions not mine, and lectured to. And I wanted others around to pipe in, on either side.

Instead he sends gogs all over the land calling me names. If he had sent gogs to leaders, or council members that would be different. I could accept that. But his way will have at least one effect. Weakening our nation, the United Tribes of Refuge.

But One action he accused me of was not talking with the Red bishops that were trying to kill your gogs while I was in a different dimension.

I have put countless hours into helping the gogs around me. My Tribe, Other Tribes, and Tribeless. And according to him, each of those actions makes me a tyrant. So what am I to do? Nothing? Let gogs die at the hands of enemies? Let Gogs starve? I don’t know how to respond to someone who says every action is evil no matter the intent.



Meetings had been going on back and forth between lands, Yagogi’al the Og’ab had been spending a great deal of time with the elders of other tribes that made up the United Tribes. It was a worthy goal, but they needed to understand each others plights and ambitions. They needed to figure out a wholeheartedness that could bring them together and include all others, like the sentiments of Unit 817. As the United Tribes, the Olgog nation was modeled after the earthers, and all the flaws that the ignorant earth imposed on others. A name stood for so much, so why was an Olgog nation using earther’s tongue to define themselves? For acceptance, or approval? Currently misunderstandings and bickering was breaking them apart, pointing fingers to say who did what but never having the common sense of asking why things were happening the way they were.

Yagogi’al knew of the other elders, and had heard tales of them throughout the land as tales had be told of him as well. Auf Lalder represented great knowledge, great power and great pride without very much guidance. Uhryu Bill represented a rift between the traditional tribal life of the Olgog people and that of the earther ways without logically thinking things through. They could not communicate openly until they actually understood each others ways (wow possible OtO trial, defining the different tribes and what they add to the Olgog people??? just a thought as I’m free writing). Yagogi’al cleared his throat after witnessing enough, "Thank you, Glog of the Or’Lur tribe for using the common senses that apparently some here have lost. My tribe and I have had little in dealings with the Or’Lur tribe. I believe you are a true ally of Auf Lalder, but brave and honorable enough to stand up against your friend when they have been in the wrong. I want it stated that I have respect for both Lalder and Bill as tribal elders, but I do not agree with your ways. Auf Lalder, you have single handedly taken up the responsibility of acting leader of the United Tribes. Being leader of your tribe is an accomplishment let alone and yet it is much harder when it comes to working with others to keep this together. I am not saying I could do any better or worse a job to these responsibilities. I believe, and Bill you can correct me if I am wrong but Lalder has incurred hypocrisies which Bill was only trying to get you to notice. It was done as an attack, and not the best way of doing things but he was trying to address an issue.

It has come to my attention that an ally Kolgol has been using artificed golems that are actually enslaved elementals. There was a similar instance when dealing with Mag Buskt’s captured army. Since when are we alright with slavery? Is it alright now if we are the ones doing the enslaving? Are we striving to become the earthers or the uth? What was the purpose of going to the land of the Djinni, and bringing their vengeful eyes upon our people? Lalder, I know you have great skill with artificing and using the leyas, much further than I have understanding but have you learned nothing from the teaching of Auf Ur’sa Ur’Tla’Rapi. It is entirely possible being effective in defense without using weapons of planetary mass destruction. Please don’t misunderstand me, there is a time for actions as i was there to share the field of battle with you and Uf Mag’og to hold back the Hungry Hordes. I believe that dealing with the Djinni will only be a penalty to our people, and for that reason I chose not to join the party to distant lands. These are some of my questions, and those brought up by the feuding with Bill.
Now to change tones, I like Bill am from the native lands of Karov and do not want you to think that because we are neighbors I am on your side. I may have insight into understanding the ways of your tribal life, but what is the point of verbally attacking and insulting another tribes elder without first inquiring as to why things are happening the way they are. It is by no means interrupting as Lalder had insisted, but does show a poor lack of respect of another elder and their tribes way of life. It has also come to my attention, the blatant disrespect shown by your child. This was a learned thing, and your disrespect lives on through your cub. I would ask that rather than sabotaging your allies, you put common courtesies to inquiring into situations you are unsure of. As well as taking on a bigger part into reforming your son, since reeducating is a far better solution than a senseless waste of life. Olgog has a lost disposition, but we need your help for him to settle into the rightful place within our culture. I do not wish to add my blade to either side of this feuding, and I am sorry for anything that I may have wrongly perceived. I hope that both Glog and myself being present can help all involved come to agreed terms."


OOC: Bill has left the building; with a few gogs walking along with him

Edit: Gogs are the escort lalder sent with him out


Lalder says “I will invite Bill back, but you may need to do it yourself. I doubt he would come at just my request. Yagogi’al the Og’ab, I offically ask for your help in this. Though I do ask for all involved to remember context and hindsight.”

Lalder will send a messenger with the message requesting Bills Presence, also noting Yagog’al the Og’ab’s request and presense.

(OCC the next part can wait until Bill comes back if he decides too, might be eaiser to keep it on one thread)

Lalder continues "Everyone seems hooked on this idea that the Ur Rhug from Unen that were taken prisoners were slaves. And my involvement in that. This is my point of view on them. And I should note that 10 of them chose to follow Tor’ab to this day.

First, these gogs are the ones who abandoned the gogs they were fighting along. Deserters. Through their choices, whether standard in Brez fashion or not, many gogs died, some for good. Next, they followed a gog who orbitally bombarded my tribe and those of Tla’loc’al. Unen was within our right of self defense as we were attacked first. I did not start those battles. Next, since they were prisoners of war, and we didn’t know what to do with them as we didn’t know if they would attack us again, I agreed that Kolgol could hold them.

And in Kolgol’s defence, none of them where hurt, they were basicly made to work hard. Then returned to Mag Buskt. It Took a few weeks all said and done. In the long run I hope they appreciate how hard some gogs work to survive.

As for my actions with them. I saw them fleeing Unen with Kolgol’s gogs. From that point on, Mag Buskt took me and 3 others with him to Jamesville only arriving after it was destroyed. During this time, we talked. I said I would make sure the Ur Rhug were returned as Mag Buskt said he would not attack us again. And the first thing I did when I got back was to do that.

These actions out of context or with hindsight, I can see issues with. But its always easy to second guess after things have happen. Keep in mind what we knew and the orbital bombardment that just happened. The only other options were to let them go and chance them attacking again, or slaughter them all. Which do you choose after being attacked?"


Glog looked to Yagogi’al the Og’ab “If there is an ally that is using slavery as a means to accomplish his goals then know that they are no ally and deserve a fate far worse then those he tortures.”


Auf Lalder says "Glog, I think you will need to talk to the Auf and Kolgol on the Balgogs. I was not aware of how they were made either. They had kept that secret. "


“Many secrets have been kept. My own tribe had talked of asking elemental spirits to work with my tribe to counter these Belgogs. Yet to force them…the Auf either does not know they are forced or something in him has changed.”


Auf Lalder says "Well, I believe any discussion on this should be with Kolgol and the Auf Present. That is owed to them. I will trust them first unless given proof otherwise.

Questions can be asked if this is true, that they understand that is what is happening, or its done on purpose. I now know summoning leyas to summon a spirit, but I don’t know how one would trap one. I didn’t think you could.

I’ll send messengers to them."

(OCC Ol’lur and Kolgol are invited into this conversation with being told what was said about the ballgogs.)


A short while after the message was sent out to “The Auf” and Kolgol, an Olgog arrived riding on a tamed horse, two blazing hellhounds baying alongside the horse. Nodding to those present, the olgog dismounted, his bone mail armor clattering as he landed. He tied his horse up and the two hellhounds lay next to it, content to terrify the poor equestrian. The olgog frowned, and introduced himself in a stiff manner.

“I am called Eru’Khaz, better known as the commander of the Black Legion and the Scourge of Thomasville. It has come to my attention that there is question of the methods and motives of my army and the way I command it, so I am here to allay the fears of any who doubt us. Ask then, your questions, and I will answer them as best I can. You have the my full attention until duty calls me elsewhere.”