An Auf walks into a Bar


A small Olgog walked over and said, “There be rumors of Slavers, real trash, selling stolen Olgog children to the Uthvelor. Some tribe called Mind Psyches or something like that?”

Rogarth perked up at that, “You mean Mind Spikes?”

“yeah that one,” said the Olgog, “if the missing are any sign they are operating in the Northern Feral lands on the border with the Colonies. Brez has been hit the most, but its even gotten as far south as Karov.
Then I heard tell some of the Slavers got caught over in Tlalocal but the Uth they were dealing with got away.”

Rogarth nodded his face becoming very stern as he did. He said to Yohai, “Those hunting grounds are on our way to our destination. I know my winged friend might complain but would you like to accompany us to that area? We will be setting out tonight.”


Glog walked into the bar that “The Auf” had told him to go to so he can talk to some locals about Tla’Hobs daughter. Upon entering he heard the word “Uth” and listened as the small Olgog mentioned the slavers.
“My tribe helped hunt those slavers. Our Elder Tla’Hob battled with them in search of his daughter. He said he thought he saw one of the slavers leave with a member of the Gul Rapi Family. If your willing to wait a momint I can get him from down stairs. He’s here helping make the drinks.”


Finally, he was getting somewhere. Northern Ferals, Tlalocal. He etched them into his mind. The cambion finally gave him a scrap to feed off of when he mentioned that they would be making their way over to that area. While he did not like travelling with the baribur companion of the cambion, as it made his sword uncomfortable, it would be worth it to travel with the cambion. He nodded and was about to say something to the cambion when one of the natives pepped up.

The olgog mentioned how his tribe had hunted down the slavers … and in fact had someone in this very bar to give him some answers. This visit may not be a complete waste of his time after all!

“I’ll be more than happy to wait a moment,” he said to the olgog. He then moved his attention to the cambion, “Once I get this information, I would be more than happy to accompany you to that area, if you would oblige me a moment to get more information.”


Khered felt slightly nauseated at the thought of traveling along side a cursed being, his hand itched a bit as it moved slightly toward his spear. He stopped after a few inches, he was honor bound not to start violence here. He would tolerate the cursed as he was smarter then that. Besides, who knows what could happen out in the wilds, accidents happen all of the time. “I dislike the idea of not killing an Uth, however if he can help us travel, then fine. Perhaps he might prove of some use.”


“Sure bring this Tla’hob up”


Glog walked over to Tlamak and nodded.
“I’m heading down to see Tla’Hob” he said before showing him something on his left fore arm. Tlamak nodded his head to the basment door. Glog entered and locked the door.

Five minutes Glog and Tla’Hob walk back in and sit next to the group that would be looking for the slavers.
“Glog has told me that you seek the Mind Spikes. I questioned one of their slavers be for two Tor’og executed him. A memeber of his party ran from the battle with a gog of the Gul Rapi Family. If you wish I will go with you to find him so that you can find his buyers. All I ask is that you let me question any gog who is in slave trading so I may find my daughter.”


Tlamak narrowed his eyes slightly at Glog. He didn’t know how he knew about the artificed tree hidden beneath Tlana’ru, and didn’t like how he had been put on the spot by assuming that he could use it. However, he was from an allied tribe, so he had no choice but to allow him to use the tree to maintain his secret.

The young bartender acted like he was squinting at the sunlight through the window. Shaking his head, he fished through his things until he found a small local map. He unfolded it and laid it out on the bar. Written on it were locations and the types of liqour available. Tlamak viewed the map, wondering which he should contact next in order to increase his bar’s stock.


Grim walks in and strides up to the bar, looking at Tlamak he orders a drink. Glancing around he starts to laugh.

“A baribur, an uth and a cambion walk into a bar. Sweet darkness, i feel like i walked into a joke.”


Tlamak chuckled lightly at the newcomer’s musings, thinking, Welcome to my world. He handed the drink to him, and glanced at his map again. “Welcome, what brings you here today?” Tlamak asked casually.


The Uthvelor was satisfied with the answer. He pondered his good fortune, thankful that what as first appeared to have been a monumental waste of his time was looking up. He had companions and a solid lead. Hoping he would be able to attain the companionship for the entirety of his travels, he looked over to the cambion and the baribur, "Would it bother you to make a minor detour so as allow me to question the olgog in question before continuing on to your final destination?’

At that moment, another would-be patron entered the bar. Yohai, at first, thought nothing of the new patron. It at first appeared to be a smaller olgog; while uncommon in these parts, not overly rare. However, Yohai quickly realized the new patron was not merely a traveller from Tla’loc’al, but rather a bastard. Yohai thought he recognized the bastard, but couldn’t place from where he would have recognized him. Before Yohai could ask him a question, the bastard quickly proved why their kind had the reputation they did, lack of self-preservation. Only a bastard would walk into a bar and immediately crack a joke in the presence of an Uthvelor.

Yohai had found the comment was amusing, especially since it was indeed true: a cambion, a baribur, and an uthvelor would never otherwise be companions unless they were in a bar together. The irony of such a statement was palpable. In fact, if Yohai had been a member of any other race, he might even have cracked a smile. Yohai, however, restrained the action. All it took was remembering the last time he had the occasion to laugh. He was fighting alongside the strange creature who referred himself Lord Roan. They were among mixed company and he was in the service of protection the scion of Uth. Somebody had mentioned that Lord Roan was mean and had no friends. Lord Roan intimated that he didn’t know how to have friends. Uriel, the Tyrianni, gave him a book on how to be friends with others. On the next occasion when Lord Roan was accused of crassness, he offered a bunny in friendship. The idea of a feared tyrant and deathly warrior who wore a mask to hide his emotions doing something so blatantly out of character was too much for Yohai to bear.

He laughed… and then the first memory hit: a young K’iorn girl leaning into a young K’iorn boy, ready to kiss for the first time in her life. She was so carefree, her heart was beating… and then a big flew up her nose. She sneezed into the boys face, completely ruining the moment. As only teenagers could, they laughed at their awkwardness. Simultaneously he experienced an Earther child seeing a heavy set Earther fall, with arms flailing, landing on their face and breaking their nose. Yohai also felt the amusement of a K’iou belching so loudly he farted, loosing his bowels in the process. An assailant laughing as he raped his victim; a Quall warrior, laughing at the despair of an entire race being extinguished by her hand; the Vampyr laughing at the fear they were causing as its victim cried as the Vampyr stroked their blade across a whetstone; the bandit stealing a child’s favorite toy; a mother laughing at her child’s garbled speech; the jester laughter at his own quick wit… every emotion that had ever caused someone to laugh throughout all of history had flooded his mind.

Tapping into the stream of consciousness held its power, but it was not without it’s cost. Powerful as his race made him, the living vessel his powerful mind inhabited was not meant to handle the raw power contained within the stream of consciousness. His body and instinctively sought out a way to break the connection, no matter the cost. The cost, of course, was the extinguishing of life force. Despite the madness it caused, the feeling of this rush was exhilarating. Laughter, masochism, eroticism, virility…these were the vices and addictions his kind fell victim too. There were those among his kind who purposely went to see jesters perform so that they could purposely tap into the stream of consciousness, irrespective of the cost. Having to kill someone in order to feel that emotion often made partaking in emotions all the more attractive to many. The worst were Uthvelor orgies, a thought that Yohai only gave a fleeting thought to and quickly moved past it as his disgust may cause him to accidentally trigger his gift.

Emotion was an Uth’s worst enemy; the one vice that was easiest to partake in, particularly when in the company of other speaking race. Baribur, of course, were the worst offenders. They wore their emotions on their sleeves and were so damn jovial it hurt. Sometimes, Yohai wished he were Ng’tai. That way, he could merely cause himself pain instead of repress the emotion… it’s easier to improve the threshold of pain than to control your emotional responses.

Yohai, however, knew better than to fall prey to vices. He would not be like his first commander of his legion, who purposely made the most junior member of the legion stand next to him, just so that he could relish in the emotions caused by battle and have an easy victim to kill in the process. Emotions were a luxury among his kind … and a luxury that Yohai could ill afford at the moment. So instead of laughing, Yohai awkwardly contorted his face, but failed to smile with any sense of genuity and said to the bastard, “Especially since you’d most likely be the punchline.” Yohai tried to appear as if he were being jovial, but the comment instead came out dryly, much in the manner of Uthvelor and Pelebor. Knowing there was not enough sincerity of emotion behind the statement, Yohai contorted his face further in the hopeless attempt of smiling, waiting the response of the bastard before him.


Hide strolled into the Tlana’ru, taking his small hat off. “We’ll, I better get started. The airship frame is almost complete and we still have no helium.” He had come to the Tlana’ru for information regarding the location of some helium, one of the few things that would prevent the Rhug’na’ru from completing their airship. He walked over to the bar and sat down, turning to the barkeep. “What do you serve here, in terms of drinks.”


Tlamak looked up and smiled at his fellow gog. “Welcome! For the time being, I can get you the “House Special”, Maklal Juice, or one of the more weaker drinks that Earthers prefer. Or if you’d like, I can just get you some water.” He pulled out a rag and began to clean a mug. “Stick around another week or so, and I might have some fantastic ale.” Tlamak smiled to himself, remembering the taste of it.


Hide sighed, shaking his head. “I guess I’ll take water in that case.” He looked at young Olgog. “Say, do you know anyone from Tla’lac’al?”


Tlamak filled the mug he had just cleaned and handed it to Hide, the grinned in response to his question. “My tribe is from Tla’loc’al, in fact. It’s where I get my Maklal Juice from. Down South, in the mountains.” He happily responded. “Need a delivery or something?”


“No, nothing like that.” He took a sip of his water. “Would your tribe happen to be in the Lur union? I would like to make contact about a certain ‘thing’ need we need.”


Tlamak replied, “We might be, but I’m not sure. I don’t focus on the politics of my tribe too much. I’d much rather hear about what’s going on in the rest of the world.” He cocked his head slightly and asked, “Are you from the Rhug’na’ru? If you are, I think I remember hearing someone in my tribe saying they had something for you. It should arrive within a day or so.”


As time passes people come and go, every now and then while Tlamak converses with random patrons, he’ll subtly slip in a rumor about a mysterious tribe that has been breeding dragons in a cave near Tla’loc’al. When asked, he replies that he overheard the rumor from someone last week, who claims that his friend’s brother (who was conscripted by the Kolgul Militia), was nearly killed by one while trying to raid one of the tribes down south.


Grim looked up as a young olgog came up to the table he was sitting at. Looking up at the obviously young gog, he nodded “yeah, what ya need kiddo?”

The youth look down from his modest height of 5 feet. “are you the one they call ‘grim’? if so I got a meesage for you. Some Earther came thru here with a Gog looking for you, he said something about needing someone to go shopping for him. Oh and this letter was to be delieved to you.”

Grim nodded sagely. Looking over his sholder at the barkeep, he called " hey, get this kid something ot eat. can’t ya see he be wasting away to nothing. put it on my tab. I gots to go find some people."

Standing up, Grim headed for the door, reading the letter as he went.


The door to the bar opens, and a tall and slim olgog steps inside. He wears ragged attire, styled in the trappings of the pirates that inhabit much of Unen. He doffs a battered tricorn hat as he enters, and presses his hand against the hilt of a curved saber that looks too small for his burly hands. He glances around at the patrons of the bar, and then moves to sit at one of the tables. He gestures for the bartender to come over to him. As he waits for the bartender to attend to his alcoholic needs, he stretches and tilts his chair back, setting his feet up on the table.


Tlamak strode over to the newest patron to enter his bar and casually asked, “What’ll it be?” Seeing the newcomer’s dirty boots on the table he had cleaned not too long ago, he frowned briefly, but maintained his friendly composure.