Batavian Bat, party ship?


“Well, there is a bit of a mess to clean up, but the work is good for the crews skills. If they only know how to repair boats, they will not be as useful. The first goal is to get the buildings back up that were not part of the military opponents. Technically I some how got put in charge of the south end of this port town, and the residents are terrified of us furry pirates. I never wanted to be one to be scared of.” Dol looks off into the distance. “I understand if you want to stay on the bat for repairs, word has come from the revenant, it sustained a lot of damage. and is in need a lots of repairs. But the town is the first priority for us. however, the bat being in good condition before the oners come back is also a good plan.”

“The life in this town has been turned upside down by us, not all of them were with the church. but then again, the church of one will be here shortly to destroy us and the rest of this town and its people, who have been corrupted by us being here. Even if we rebuild the town and make the people feel welcome, they may simply be killed by their own people.”