Planning for liberation of Unen


[after the results of Week 8, beginning of Week 9 Mission]

The Heroes had saved Unen from destruction, and driven the Kalokians and their Mirror Crystal Allies from the Port City.
But their ritual sacrifice was successful enough to trap Warmonger and Host in a ravine filled with Lava in what was once the old section of town dating back to the Oners.

With Warmonger exposed the Greater Evils the Dragon of Fate and Kalok the Volcano are preparing a joint assault.

[All forces from the Week 8 mission playerwise are still in Unen and still at threat. Make sure not to drop the ball and forget the Week 9 Mission]


Lalder says “So what are we to do about this? We don’t have any real good choices, but I think protecting Warmonger from the other evils is the better of the terrible choices we have. Kalok wishes to blow up Unen, and we cannot allow him to destroy so much. So this is a much shorter term problem in what looks like a long term mess.”


Here comes Maggul, the Yagogi UtR council member, along with Bazman trying to keep track of a wiley snatcher. He gave his bow, showing great respect for that which Lalder has accomplished. “The Yagogi are present and accounted for. We have just left others, being sent on to this larger meeting but are in constant contact with them. This is looking like quite a mess!”


Urik shook his head. “Protect Warmonger?” He chuckled. “That’s a new one. I mean he wants to kill all of reality. Not that I think Kalok is any better. Do we even have any ideas to take a hand in this?”


Torlok’ab looked around at those gathered. “I care little for protecting Warmonger, but don’t want to aid his enemys either. My biggest concern is to protect as many innocents as I can. If kalok causes a volcano here; defeating Warmonger and gaining his power, how long till he causes another? how long till the mountains elsewhere erupt? I won’t aid warmonger as much as protect those threatened by the conflict.”


Lalder says "It sounds like we are in general agreement however we phrase it. We block Kalok from destroying and abosorbing Warmonger and deal with him another day.

There are no more lesser evils in the city, we made sure of that. But the Follows of Kalok and balgogs are still there. We also have Unit 111 to deal with.

It looks like we will have to avoid the Sea Kings, as they seem to be protecting. Now after this, it would be good if they took a heavy hit. Because once we have prevent Kalok from we will have to remove the sea kings from Unen.

Does anyone know what type of weapon is shooting down? We will need to take out that. Or hopefully the EEF will do that. These space weapons keep firing on the Olgog lands.

Am I missing any threat? Besides warmonger himself, or at least his host. I don’t know what to do with that at all."


Lalder continues "I think the hostages on the balgogs need to be saved first. Then and only then can the balgogs be taken down.

I will use my air force for cover, and maybe striking runs at Unit 111. As their magi cannons will have lesser effects on them. I can send my balgog destroying teams as well. THough they will need help. Maybe shadow jump the hostages away? then Strike the balgogs."


Urik shook his head. They didn’t have time to let doubt take over. "Ok so we separate the hostages form the Balgogs and try to keep Unit 111 outside of the city. We work with the Sea Kings for now to make that happen but we’re gonna have to get rid of them sooner or later to. We should have anybody who can work healing on some of our weapons. They’ll be way more effective against Warmongers Dead that way.

I have no idea what’s happening in orbit. I think we’re gonna have to hope that the EEF can deal with that. But this does still leave a problem. Namely either way this shakes out we’re gonna have at least one Ancient Evil in town, still one problem at a time I guess."


Lalder says "I will send a healer to you. They will have some… healing… nanites as well that they can give to your immuntables as they can’t heal them, but we do have some left over supplies the EEF last gave us. "

(OOC any other suggestions, I will write most of my post tonight)


Sir Mag’Nrs entered the meeting with great enthusiasm, followed closely by Dame KeyHob, who showed her merit in accompanying through the prior battle for Unen. As one of honorable character, he patiently waited for a chance to speak up " Greetings assembled leaders, I am greatly excited by the show of support that you look to provide to support the place I have thought of as a new home and the location of my chapel. I am Sir Mag’Nrs, a humble Paladin of the Morgothian faith and this is my second in command, Dame KeyHob. It would be our great pleasure helping to defend wherever possible. I have been following along for some time, and I believe my forces are best utilized in combating the balgogs with our very own MorGogs and then SHADOWWALKING the hostages safely away. We will have MorGogs in ample supple thanks to Dame KeyHob’s efforts and will then turn them towards Kalok itself. Ultimately Kalok is our main target, for it is through Kalok’s will that Unen has been under attack and we wish to aid in bring the attack back to this false idol."


Lalder says “Thank you Sir Mag’Nrs, I will trust and leave the hostages and balgogs to you and focus on Unit 111 and in supplying the healers.”


Shirley shrugged.

Hikiti chimed in:
“So wait, the plan is to save the hostages and let everyone else fight?”


Derlur walked into the room. He avoided Shirley because she was scary. Really scary. He’s pretty sure she molested Gant before tossing him out of the censor-craft.

“What we do is save the Unenese rebels. The MagMag Gor can’t be killed by any of us. If we do, his spirit will enter our bodies. That’s bad. But we can’t let Kalok consume him either. So we destroy the Unit 111 greyfurs attacking the city and the fell balgog holding sacrifices. And then we steal back the Armenius orb and use it to consume WarMonger.”

He looked to Lalder, “Have your healers use the Leyas ability Mass Ressurection against the GreyFurs of Unit 111. Ask Shirley for urya, it’ll help your healers focus the Leyas to do it. If you have enough healers using the Leyas, the greyfur of 111 will crumble. Healing does that. My brother Ollurug will help if you’re willing to meditate with him.”

He looked at Torlok’ab, “Stay away from that.” He points back at Lalder. “It’s going to be bad for your health. Alot. And your kind are good. So yes, stand back while they do”

He looked at Maggul, Urik, and Hikiti (avoid eye contact with Shirley, nothing good comes from that). “We’re going to infiltrate the city. Again. To the center of town. Find the Mirror Crystal Flora, and steal back the Armenius Orb and use it to capture Warmonger. Again. Urik, we’re going to need an immutable for that. Flora taught me that trick. Keep the teams small and mobile. Make that two teams. One of my brothers, a Gor’ab, an Ur Rhug, and an Outcast. Actually, Hikiti, make that 1 Ur Rhug for one team and a fully grown one for my team. I like that better.” He didn’t need the Ur Rhug to shadow walk him around, and he would use the additional brute strength of a ‘king’.

“The rest of your forces focus on taking out the balgogs and saving the hostages. Kalok must not be allowed to consume warmonger. He must be put back into his cage. Remember, if his current avatar is killed, the being killing the avatar will be consumed with WarMonger’s Spirit.”

“I’ll give anyone stepping foot into the city a symbol of the MagMagGor. I know it well. It should let you move freely among the Sea Kings, but destroy it once your mission is complete. Otherwise, destroy 111, save the hostages, and hopefully Unen won’t get destroyed from above.”

Derlur hated this plan. He wished he had a real army. And his father. And his father’s friends. But it was the best he could do. The irony of protecting Warmonger, however, was not lost on him. Also, where was Rogarth?


“WOW, OH MY ABEL! You’ve got to be kidding me that you’re actually going to believe the Morgothian and take him for his word” says the familiar bastard clapping from the corner of the room.

Scout of the Tsogari, barer of the Yellow Godsword walked forward to the assembled group starting by egging on his sworn enemy "Well first things first. Easy there, my little Morgothy. That was quite a speech, how long did it take your to come up with that…and all by yourself? It’s sure swell to see you showing up to defend your home, but we all know Morgothian’s are really only in it for themselves, are you with me people? Look, Morgothians have a way of doing stupid things and getting themselves dead when around me and my friends. Try keeping up, they’re call the Dark Paladins of Morgoth for a reason. I wouldn’t trust him as far as a normal bastard could throw an olgog without using any leyas to help. They’re only going to wind up stabbing us in the back.

As the bastard went from one tirade to another, he deftly played with different things- twirling a lighter between his fingers, rolling random joints, rolling a small bomb around in his hands, and gesturing wildly with a pint brush ."Next thing, is you’re going to all have to focus on particular enemies, some on Warmonger, some on the Dragon of Fate and others on this Kalok. If i heard correctly, you might need some assistance with healing and WTF, is there really an Armenius Orb around??? Derlur, I don’t think we’ve actually met. Ya seem to know a lot, and good to meet you. How do you know so much and who’s your father anyways, maybe I know him?? So with all the Ancient evils there, we may need some BIG GUNs to help, so i’m thinking as soon I i know what I can do, I would head out and get word out to the best Morgtohian there ever was, and that’s partly because he left, the once Champion Rogarth Daesdemon. I may also drop a line to Forge, I can track his stinky scent from anywhere. Does anyone know a good K’iou girl for my buddy? Yeah ok, not exactly the time. I may also try getting word to Alec Silverclover, he definitely owes me a favor or threee, as well as my nameless friend’s Lady, and Captain SkyPirate. Maybe I’ll get my dog too, I really miss him.
Anyways I think my skills are best suited to getting the Armerius Orb, I actually don’t need any immutable to be able to hold it. I learned a trick from friends, and his face fits my hand just like one of the gloves. You know what I mean, yeah kinda sort of not really…didn’t think you would understand. Either way it’ll be great watching the dead dropping like flies. Does anyone have some cheese? So what was it you guys wanted me to do again? "


Maggul blinked at the hyper psychotic bastard, still not sure what to say…He needed a change of topic, one that would make sense and actually add something substantial, " So that happened…what about the Kalokian masters? Well if they are anything like the ones from out dimension wear their belief in Kalok on their bodies; I think that he gains power by feeling off the will of his followers. I think I had heard tail that Kolgol didn’t use healing to bring back from the dead, instead they just burned the bodies and fueled Kalok. If I remember correctly, the followers also freaked out if they were healed because their ritual burn marks were also healed and I’m guessing it did something to break the tie, break their faith in Kalok. What if we could using healing, heal the bodies (HEAL INTERNAL) and the minds(CURE INSANITY) to break his will and weaken Kalok. I can have the gor’abs and healers sent for to partake in this front of the battle."


Urik nodded to Maggul. "Yeah I think that’s right they taught us a little about Ancient Evils while I was in the EEF. They do draw power form belief. If we can shake Kalok’s followers faith it should be weakened at least for a while. It may be enough to give us a shot.

Derlur, you can barrow a couple of my people to try and get the orb but I say let the bastard take a crack to. It can’t hurt to have a back up. Who ever grabs it first can turn it on Warmonger." He glanced over at Scout. “If you can really good the thing I say go for it. And I don’t any of the people you mentioned but if you got friends you think can help her them. I think we can use any help we can get now.”

"Ok so to sum up We all use healing against Unit 111 and try to keep them away from the cathedral and we’ll work with the Sea Kings. Second save the hostages from the Balgogs them take them out.

Derlur and Scout try to get the orb and turn it back in Warmonger. If that works the Sea Kings are going to turn on us. Keep a close eye on them. Really we’d have to kick them out sooner or later anyway. But if all that works what are we going to do about Kalok? Besides try to keep it from erupting?


(OOC: is there a Dragon of Fate at the site too?)

Maggul looked somewhat worried, but mustered up the strength, “Yeah we can do this. We’ve got Derlur and the crazy bastard bastard going for the Armenius Orb. We’ve got Lalder’s boys healing the rebels for assistance and healing Unit 111 to take them out. We’ve got honorable dark paladin of Morgoth and team saving hostages and taking on the Balgogs. The Yagogi will look to weaken the faith of Kalok by healing the burns of his followers, because if he is weakened enough we might just have a weaspon that could actually take him out. Yeah it’s just another war, together we’ve got this!”


Derlur stopped himself from chuckling at Scout the Yellow. His reputation precedes him, so Derlur ignored most of his crazy rants. Plus, he was right. Most morgothians were dicks. Useful pawns, sometimes, but still dicks.

“I think if we weaken Kalok, his volcano won’t work. Plus, we can always use lalhob’or to cave it in when the time comes. One thing at a time.”

He looked at Scout. “I saw the armenius orb with my own eyes. And if you spend enough time wandering, you learn alot. So if you have a way to use the Armenius Orb, then do it. In the mean time, we’ll help find them. Beware, it is being protected by the a Greater evil. Wears a white suit, special hatred for warmonger. Not sure who it was, though, because he unleashed the orb on us before i could figure it out.”

He looked back at maggul and urik, “So save the hostages…again. Wipe out Unit 111, again, and then save Der’al from the crazy machinations of the Ancient Evils…again.”

Does it ever end?


(OOC: And no one really knows about the Usurper’s actions?)


Lalder says “Derlur, I will send Tor’ab and his apprentices to help you. They will help you. Tor’ab can also call in a strike if you need it. Whether for distraction or to take out something pinning you down. They are good at keeping to the shadows and hit and run strikes.”

(OOC I have already put this in my mission post below is what you have to work with:)

Tor’ab ((Tor’og) LR:5, Heal:3, Light: 3, Shadow:4, Air:3, Earth:4, Fire:3, Water:3, General:2, Shape:3, Summ:1) Adj: (Charisma +1 and Etiquette (Lost Colonies) 4, Pilot(Airship) 4,Temper 4, +1 attack when involved in Vehicle combat, Melee Strike +2, Rapid Throw +2)

Tor’ab’s 10 Apprentices ((Ur Rhug) LR:4, Light: 3, Shadow:3, Air:2, Earth:3, Water:3, General:1) Adj: (leyas combat melee 3, leyas combat ranged 4, Melee Strike +1)

Apprentices are in:
[FONT=Arial]Armor of Auf Lal’al: Helm with sensor enhancements like Animal Sight/Hearing/Smell, and bird sight. Armorfiend vest with Ignore poison, Cat like Reflexes, Cobra Strike, and Increase Strength and Grow armor to strengthen the vest (at 2 successes) Ring of Healing plus life shield: Cure Disease, Heal Wounds/Heal Internal Damage, and Life shield. (3 successes each) Boots with Fireleap (Could be replace with Insect Leap, but I didn’t think that would be compatable with Increase strength) [/FONT]

Phoenix Strike Pistols, Weapons studs of Ray of Light.

(End of OOC)